Hey friends! I know its been a minute since I did a #Riley'sFav5 post but IT'S BACK!! So many of you have been asking when I would be doing these again, but with things being so busy with the website launch, creating new merch, traveling and my pop-ups that I wanted to wait until I had some products that I truly wanted to rave about. Well the time has come because these 5 gems have literally saved my life the last few weeks.
As you guys that have followed my journey for awhile, I really do try to stay as holistic with my remedies as possible so I love that all of these features are my new go-to ways to keep my monster periods in check. I've openly talked with you guys on the podcast about my journey with finding the right doctor to help me with my horrible menstruation and the mood swings and pain that have come along with it. Its been a frustrating one to say the least so when I found one product in particular off this list its was truly heaven sent! Drum roll please....
Alkaline Herb Shop Wellness Capsules - This company's Bladderwrack and Sea Moss formula has truly been the first supplement that has moved mountains for me in a truly short amount of time. Most of the time I'll take a natural remedy and it either takes months for me to feel even the tiniest of change or I'll not notice anything at all. these capsules literally started changing my moon and my energy levels when on my period within a week and a half! And trust me I notice when I don't take them! My concentration levels have been on fire, and my workouts, OMG they have been on FIRE! I hit a deadlift PR on my period last week! Now you ladies know that when on our monthly it swipes out all our energy so needless to say that was proof enough for me to be a lifer with this company! I've already ordered a few more of their products for myself and for my husband marshall so I'll Be sure to report back!
TANSTC Period Underwear - I've never been a girl that loves wearing pads because that whole adult diaper thing just its for me. But, on the days that flow is heavy I've been told through some research that wearing pads or period panties can help alleviate cramps. Anything and everything that can help with those that isn't major pain medication is always a better option for me. These are also great to wear at night to catch anything from ruining your clothes or sheets. They also come in a thong option for during the day if you dont want panty lines!
Teaonic I love My Adrenals Tea Tonic - I will be 100% honest with you on this one. I don't exactly LOVE the taste of this tonic but I don'y hate it either. And honestly for someone that likes cinnamon, it probably tastes lovely so it's nothing to do with their formula. I just don't gravitate to cinnamon flavors. that being said, istill love this little stress relaxer in a bottle. I really want to try out their other formulas too!
CSM Dry Body Brush - Recently I decided to hop on the while dry body brushing trend when I saw on Tiktok that it can help with period cramps and increase circulation. I also heard that it can help with cellulite, the jury is still out on that one but I actually really do think it helped with my cramps! Plus being someone who has poor blood circulation on general I really did love the way my body felt a live after doing this in the morning to get my day started! If you have sensitive skin they also have other options that aren't such coarse hair bristles, but I wanted to start with this one to see if I liked it or not.
Shape Heat Relief Patch - These babies are like a heating pad on the go! I've always liked the relive that products like Icy Hot or Tiger balm give, but I'm not into the idea of smelling like a hospital all day or feeling sticky. The adhesive patches are especially great if you sit at a desk all day or you travel a lot. They are also a dupe for some of the more expensive prand like this on the market that cost upwards of $150!
I hope some these goodies help you ladies the way that they have helped me !!!
~Hugs and Smiles~ Riley Couture